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Nimi’s Curation: TED Talks to Improve communication Skills

If you want to improve your communication skills, public speaking skills, and confidence, you might want to check out some of these amazing TED talks. They are full of insights, tips, and inspiration from experts and speakers who have mastered the art of communication.

10 ways to have a better conversation by Celeste Headlee (24 million views)

Celeste Headlee is a journalist and radio host who has interviewed thousands of people from all walks of life. In this talk, she shares her best advice on how to have better conversations with anyone. She explains why listening is more important than talking, and how to avoid the common mistakes that make us bad listeners. She also gives some practical tips on how to ask better questions, avoid assumptions, and be more empathetic.

How to speak so that people want to listen by Julian Treasure (29 million views)

Julian Treasure is a sound consultant who teaches people how to listen better and speak more effectively. In this talk, he shares the four cornerstones of powerful speech: honesty, authenticity, integrity, and love.

He also reveals the seven deadly sins of speaking that can ruin your communication, and how to avoid them. He demonstrates some vocal exercises and tips that can help you speak with more clarity, confidence, and impact.

How great leaders inspire action by Simon Sinek (52 million views)

Simon Sinek is an author and leadership expert who teaches people how to inspire others and achieve their goals. In this talk, he introduces the concept of the "golden circle", a simple but powerful model that explains why some people and organisations are more successful than others. He shows how starting with "why" can help you communicate your purpose, vision, and values more effectively, and inspire others to follow you.

The power of vulnerability by Brené Brown (53 million views)

Brené Brown is a research professor who studies courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. In this talk, she shares her findings on how vulnerability is the key to connection, creativity, and authenticity. She challenges the common perception that vulnerability is a weakness, and argues that it is actually a strength and a source of courage. She also reveals how embracing vulnerability can help us overcome shame and fear, and live more wholeheartedly.

Your body language may shape who you are by Amy Cuddy (58 million views)

Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist who studies how our body language affects our emotions, behaviour, and self-image. In this talk, she explains how adopting certain poses can boost our confidence and influence our outcomes. 

She shows how "power posing" for a few minutes before a stressful situation can make us feel more powerful and perform better. She also shares her personal story of overcoming a traumatic brain injury and how she used body language to regain her confidence.

These are just some of the many TED talks that can help you improve your communication skills, public speaking, and confidence. You can find more on the TED website or their YouTube channel.

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